Thursday, February 10, 2011

Having Renee There Made A Huge Difference

Renee was my Doula at my son's birth in September of 2010.  I did not have a doula with the birth of my first son in 2007 - having Renee there made a huge difference.  She helped keep me calm and focused on having a natural child birth.  She graciously blended into the scenery and was supportive when I needed her and also seemed to fade into the background when I didn’t.  She helped my husband support me in ways he didn’t know how and brought us closer in the process.  

I would highly recommend her to anyone - she instantly became a mother/ sister figure and went with the ups and downs of birth.  She was always there saying the right thing, making the right touch and offering that wonderful smile every time I needed it!  She empowered me to do what I knew I could.  Also, the pictures she took are also some of the most treasured photos I have of me and my son!  She was spectacular - I would hire her again in a heartbeat and recommend her to anyone!

Dawn Benjamin

Renee provides labor doula services and also offers dual services of being her labor doula client's postpartum doula for those who wish for both services. She also teaches our "green baby" classes that focus on being eco friendly. She teaches Dancing for Birthtm classes as well.

1 comment:

  1. Ditto!! Renee was my doula for my daughter's birth in October. One of the clearest memories I have is hanging onto her hand (which I hopefully didn't bruise with my squeezing! lol) You said it perfectly, and I'd hire her again too :-D
