Monday, February 2, 2009

great book for free download

Sheri Menelli, author of "Journey into Motherhood: Inspirational
Stories of Natural Birth", is making her book available for free download!

http://www.birthing business. com/Book/ giveaway. html

Sheri writes on her blog:

"Yes, it is true, I have a very special treat for you.

I"m giving away the electronic copy of Journey into Motherhood:
Inspirational Stories of Natural Birth.

I have planned to do this for years and so here it is.

I have had so many people ask me why I would give this book away.

I have 2 reasons:
1. My dream was to make this book as popular as "What to Expect When
You're Expecting" which isn't one of my favorite books as I
see it usually get moms into a panic. So really, this is a different
kind of What to Expect When You're Birthing because it is 47 real
women telling their births stories (48 total stories).

2. I believe the stories in this book are so amazing that anyone
it would want a physical copy to give to their friends and family who
are expecting. I can say that they stories are amazing and not be
bragging because I did not write the stories. I only chose them and
my editor clean them up with grammar and punctuation. They changed my
birth (I gave birth a few months after the book was finally
The stories left me empowered. I had the most unexpected of
circumstances a very rare set of twins and extremely high risk (Ironic
isn't it?) but I had an amazing birth because I felt empowered and I
decided to take charge. I know I wouldn't have had that courage if I
hadn't been able to draw from the experiences of the women in the

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