Saturday, June 12, 2010

Cudos for Our Company from a New Dad!

Teresa, I can't say anything but great things about your organization. You and your doulas/instructors are more than just vendors of a service but become integral parts of their clients lives as it relates to their birth experiences and beyond. When my wife needed reassurance about breastfeeding you and Pam were there even at late hours. When my wife's labor and delivery was so quick Guina was there long after to help my wife through the pain of being separated from her baby and husband while the baby and I went to nicu and my wife got some stitches. Guina was there long after the time I was expecting her to go, helping with some lactation coaching and then when she did leave, she gave both me and my wife a kiss on the forehead. Then she came back the next day for a little bit to make sure we were ok. If this is some tricky marketing ploy, to get us to tout your company's services then you've got me hook, line and sinker. Although, I vehomently believe that you have surrounded yourself with truly compassionate people. People who are delighted to share in the lives of others and the payment that they receive is a fraction of the reward that they experience in doing what they are doing.

Thank you again for all the help that has been afforded to my wife, Jenna, and our new baby Camille.
Austin Mascarenas

1 comment:

  1. This couple took childbirth classes with Pam. Hired Guina to be their doula after attending the tea. Took the breastfeeding class from Teresa and Pam. Took the cloth diapering and green carbon footprint class from Renee. So, we have all touched their parenting process in some way! Love to hear these kind of things- especially from the dads! Thanks so much Austin!
