Saturday, June 12, 2010

Recomendation from a past client x3

Resa, a mom who I have had the pleasure of being with at all three of her births, recently sent this comment to me after I encouraged her by telling her I loved her mothering style. She allows her children to be creative and self expressive. She is a homeschooling stay at home mom of three and quite the Wonder Woman!.

She shared this with me and told me I could share it with you!

"You're a woman and mom I aspire to be like. Ron and I often think back to some of the things we learned from you in our childbirth class and realize it has applications to our decisions as parents. Meeting you created a ripple in the life of the R5 much further than just their three splendid births. And this is a ripple I couldn't imagine being where I am today without."

I appreciate knowing that things I teach have a ripple effect! Thanks Resa!

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