Monday, June 7, 2010

The TATA Fairies

Many of you know that I am a breast cancer survivor. I have been breast cancer free- and without breasts per se for 2.5 years now! I had immediate reconstruction after a prophylactic bilateral mastectomy due to being a carrier of the BRCA gene- but the pathology found cancer that had been undetected in mammograms and even a breast MRI. So this year is the 3rd year I will walk in the 3Day 60 mile Susan G Komen walk for breast cancer.

Labor of Love sponsors a team- the Labor of Love Tata Fairies. Other doulas in our group have walked in the past- Pam Roe on our team and Alicia Pillsbury on the Tutus for Tatas team. This year I will be accompanied by three young moms. Lindsay Tucker, Lisa Strickland and Rebecca Mariollis. They have all been our students and doula clients.

I admire their desire to be a part of this journey with me. It is strenuous training and a rigorous 3 days of walking. It also entails not only a registration fee of $80 or more, but then each walker must raise $2300. It is not a team total- but each individual must raise this amount in order to walk. If you do not raise it- you either do not walk or you give them your credit card for the balance and they will accept payments to erase the credit card for a month or so following the walk. Ouch! This may be the hardest part for these moms.

I have already raised my money for this year... I have some wonderful generous friends, family and clients who helped me be able to do so. We will be holding some fund raising events over this summer and early fall. But I wondered if you had a heart for helping and the ability to do so- if you would consider going to our team page and choosing a young mother in my group to donate to- it would really be incredible. Even a little donation goes a long way. And if you like, you can click on their page- make a donation online- it is secure- and even choose to make a larger donation over a 3 month period of time. Sometimes little bits are less painful and you don't even notice that $20 or whatever amount being gone!

You can also print out a form and mail it in... just choose one of my team members and go for it! Also, if you think you would love to join our team- please let me know! We would love to have a larger team! Click on the link below to help!

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