Monday, September 6, 2010

Dancing for Birth Classes

I just took my training to become a Dancing for Birth instructor. Not only is this a great prenatal class but it also a great postpartum class. It starts off with a circle time of affirmations for birth and mothering. It is far more than just an exercise class for your body. It also embraces the mind so that the mind body connection is embraced fully. We teach some belly dancing, some African and some Latin moves that help to open our hips for labor and jiggle the baby down into that nice open space! We teach about optimal fetal positioning within the class as well. I love the fun aspect of this class as we don't judge bodies or specific choreography but instead we embrace moving! ?New moms share with the pregnant moms. And babies are worn during the class so they get to enjoy it as much as they did when they were in utero.  I am excited about how this is a great teaching time but also a fun time! I am looking forward to scheduling my first class!

1 comment:

Teresa Howard said...

There will be four of us with Labor of Love teaching the classes- Charlotte Scott and I hope to teach together in Lawrenceville. Renee Wymer will be teaching in Roswell. And Salena Donnelly will be teaching in Sugar Hill.