Monday, September 6, 2010

Thankful Parents Share Their Gratitude

This is the emails they said I could share:

 9.5.2010 (Regarding the doula)
"Thank you" does not capture all of the gratitude in my heart for your part in our birth experience. We are so blessed to have had your emotional, physical and psychological support during our labor and birth. If I were to do it over again I would do nothing differently. Having your comforting words, encouragement, and input that positively affected our care before and during our hospital stay was an invaluable part of our experience. We will always treasure that you were there with us.We are already home with Jane, and thing are going extremely well. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can't wait to see you again soon for our postpartum visit!
With love,
Lilly, Alex and Jane
9.5.2010 (Regarding our doula services and the childbirth classes with Teresa)

Hi Teresa! Our daughter was born on Friday, weighing in at 8 lb 2 oz, and measuring 20.5 inches long. She came on the perfect day at the perfect time and she was the perfect size just as you and I discussed last week. 

I cannot thank you enough for being a part of my life during this special time. Alex and I had an amazing birthing experience thanks to you and your class and your fellow doula's-- both Pam and Guina were essential to our overall experience. Guina, of course, was an integral part of what made our labor and birth all that it could be. If I were to go back in time and do it all over again I would change nothing. I am so impressed that we were prepared the way we needed to be thanks to your guidance. I felt confident in my ability to follow my instincts. I was definitely not intellectualizing-- I was using my feelings and going with what felt right and it really worked. 

One detail I thought you would appreciate:When getting admitted and the nurse asked, "on a pain scale of 0-10, blah blah blah" I responded, "It is exactly where it should be... I expect some pain during labor so I don't want to have to answer that question anymore."-- and I swear I did not practice this or think about it beforehand, it just slipped out of my mouth :) 

I just wanted you to know how much we appreciate all that you have done for us. We will always treasure the place you have had in our lives during this special time. 
With love, 

Lilly, Alex and Jane

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