“I am interested in hiring a labor doula. What do you need to know and what do I need to do next?”

¨ tends to result in shorter labors with fewer complications
¨ reduces negative feelings about one’s childbirth experience
¨ reduces the need for pitocin (a labor-inducing drug), forceps or vacuum extraction and cesareans
¨ reduces the mother’s request for pain medication and/or epidurals
¨ Feel more secure and cared for
¨ Are more successful in adapting to new family dynamics
¨ Have greater success with breastfeeding
¨ Have greater self-confidence
¨ Have less postpartum depression
¨ Have lower incidence of abuse

¨ Recognizes birth as a key experience the mother will remember all her life
¨ Understands the physiology of birth and the emotional needs of a woman in labor
¨ Assists the woman in preparing for and carrying out her plans for birth
¨ Stays with the woman throughout the labor
¨ Provides emotional support, physical comfort measures and an objective viewpoint, as well as helping the woman get the information she needs to make informed decision
¨ Facilitates communication between the laboring woman, her partner and her clinical care providers
¨ Perceives her role as nurturing and protecting the woman’s memory of the birth experience
¨ Allows the woman’s partner to participate at his/her comfort level

¨ Meet all of the doulas and educators within our company
¨ Have a chance to hear about our services
¨ See a short video about doulas
¨ Have an opportunity to mingle and talk to each doula who is of interest to you
¨ Send us your due date, location for your birth and your phone number for our sign in if you plan to attend the tea. Send it to info@alaboroflove.org
¨ Send us your due date, location for your birth and your phone number for our sign in if you plan to attend the tea. Send it to info@alaboroflove.org

¨ A packet of information that details all of our services
¨ Contact information for each doula with fees associated with each doula
¨ You can also email any doula by contacting her by using her first name@alaboroflove.org and can email the team of the Ladies of the Labyrinth with the email lol@alaboroflove.org
If you are unable to come to the tea:

¨ Call the doula who is of interest to you and chat to determine if she sounds like she may be a good fit
¨ Set up an interview with the individual doulas who may match your needs
¨ Contact the Ladies of the Labyrinth to see if one of their interview/prenatal nights or days is available to meet two of the doulas and then contact the last doula for a phone call to see if they may be a good fit as well

¨ Send in the last page of the labor doula agreement with the retainer
¨ Contact the doula to let her know it is on its way to our office
¨ Set up a prenatal with her if you to be done near your 36 week mark
¨ Put a reminder on your calendar to send in the final payment to reach our office by the beginning of the 38th week when your doula begins to be on call
¨ If you choose the Ladies of the Labyrinth, set up the dual doula meeting based on the scheduled times and set up an individual prenatal with the remaining doula

¨ We love to get emails about your pregnancy progress
¨ We love to assist you with questions of a non-medical nature to help you have a smoother journey
¨ We love to hear your desires and dreams for your birth
¨ We love to have you visit our blog: www.alaborofloveblog.org and read information that may help you in your pregnancy, labor and postpartum period
¨ We love to have you sign up for classes we offer and hear about the classes you are taking
¨ We love to share and offer input on books that you may find helpful in gathering more information
“I am interested in hiring a postpartum doula, what is the next step?” Most of the labor doula ideas are the same for a postpartum doula.

¨ Offers education, companionship and nonjudgmental support during the postpartum fourth trimester
¨ Assists with newborn care, family adjustment, meal preparation and light household tidying
¨ Offers evidence-based information on infant feeding, emotional and physical recovery from birth, infant soothing and coping skills for new parents and makes appropriate referrals when necessary

¨ Where you live is important as some doulas do not go to all areas
¨ What hours are you considering needing
¨ What days of the week are you desiring
¨ We do not provide overnight care since a postpartum doula “mothers the mother” and night time care is really being a night time nanny- we believe if a mom is taken good care of during the day, she can handle her nights
¨ We do provide night care for moms with special needs- postpartum depression issues, surgical births or multiples if it is needed

¨ Ideally we like to be hired prior to the birth of your baby, but often times couples do not anticipate a need until after the baby has arrived
¨ Setting up an interview where she comes to your home is helpful although you can also hire a postpartum doula at the Meet the Doula Teas
¨ You mail the agreement with the retainer that pays for the first 5 hours and contact the doula to set up the times you need if your baby has already arrived
¨ Each week you receive an e-bill to alert you to the hours worked and the balance that is to be paid each week for her services
¨ You mail this to our office, it delays things if you give it to the doula herself
¨ If you have hired a doula prior to your baby’s arrival, contact her after you have had the baby and let her know the baby has arrived and when you want her to come
¨ Ideally we need a 48 hour notice on both when you want the doula to arrive as well as if you need to reschedule her arrival on a prescribed time
“I am interested in some classes you offer. What is my next step?”

¨ Information is power and preparing for a new event gives you valuable information
¨ Our classes are very hands on with not only information but how to put that information into practice
¨ We offer a variety of classes to choose from based on your needs

¨ Our online calendar on our website is updated frequently. You can access it at http://alaboroflove.org/calendar.html
¨ You can contact us to get the informational packet which has a list of our current classes, dates and prices
¨ We offer childbirth classes that are done in a group setting on two different days and times and also a 2 weekend immersion. For those who just can not get into a group session, we do offer private classes held in our class spaces in three different locations around town We also offer a Birthing Again class for repeat birthers who took some type of class the previous pregnancy.
¨ We offer several specialty types of classes and most are held at least quarterly.

¨ Email us for an informational packet and fill our the class agreement and send payment for the class to hold your spot
“I still have questions. Who and how do I contact someone?”
Teresa Howard is the owner of Labor of Love Doula and Childbirth Services. You can call her at 770.241.2078 or email her at info@alaboroflove.org. Also visit our main facebook page http://www.facebook.com/Laboroflovedoulaandchildbirth to enjoy a great community full of information! Thanks!
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